What's Happening in the Library

Welcome Strong Start Families

I am very excited to invite Strong Start families to our library this week for our first storytime together. It is going to be wonderful to meet the littles and their amazing parents! My hope for this time together is to introduce you to some of my favorite picture books and authors, provide ideas for songs and wordplays you can do with your littles, and answer questions you may have about literacy.  

Please check out the strong start tab to see a list of books and resources shared each week. 

Happy reading, 

Ms Cox

Graphic Novel Shelf in the library between a door and another shelf.
Graphic Novel Shelf

September 2023

Welcome Back to School! 

Please see this years welcome back to the library newsletter. 

                                                                                                    September 2023

Dear APES Families, 

I am happy to be welcoming your children back to the library this year, or in the case of kindergartens or new students to the library for the first time. I love to see students excited over choosing and bringing home books. My wish is that you will be able to share the excitement with your children. Reading aloud to kids has many benefits including but not limited to connecting, building worldview and knowledge base,  expanding vocabulary, and modelling fluency. Please check my website to see the titles we read during our library time and learn about learning connections. 

Each student will be able to select two books each week. These books will be of their own choosing. Older students will be encouraged to choose one book that they can read themselves and one to share with someone in their family. They will be instructed on strategies for making book choices but the choice ultimately is theirs. Please talk to your children about their book choices each week. If you have any questions or concerns about the books your children are choosing please feel free to talk to me after discussing it with them. 

Your children will be bringing a reminder note to place on your fridge or somewhere else visible to help you remember to bring your library books on time. If your child is unable to bring back a book (e.g., misplaced, at another parent’s house etc.) please contact me, and we will figure out a solution as soon as possible to keep your family reading. Please do your best to take care of the books over the week. We hope that each book will be enjoyed by many children over the years. Having a specific spot in the house for library books away from pets and younger siblings is a good idea. 

Please remember it is never too late to return a library book. If you find one hiding in your bookshelf or under your couch do not feel embarrassed to return it. We only hope that the library books are being read and enjoyed and we will not charge fines. 

I am also looking for a great library volunteer or two. If you know someone in the community who would like to spend a couple hours per week in the library please talk to me or have them contact me. 

Happy Reading, 

Jen Cox

Teacher Librarian, 


250-344-5513 Extension 4617

Book Exchange Time

This school year each class gets a library book exchange time. In this time we usually begin by sharing a book and having a small discussion. Students will then have a chance to pick two books to take home. Some classes have a longer library period and they will do an additional activity corresponding to the book we read.  On this page, it is my intention to keep you informed about what your child is hearing in our library time and the reasons that these books have been chosen.  I hope that this information will be a point of connection with your child and their time in the library. 

I generally plan for two groups, Kindergartens and grade ones, and Grade 2's and 3's. Please read about what is your child is learning by clicking on their grade group.  Ms. Ford's class being a grade one-two class will sometimes follow the kindergarten grade one plan and other times go along with the grade two group.  


Happy February Everyone! 

This is my third year in the library at Alexander Park. ( For those who do not know me I was a classroom teacher for 12 years before finding my way into the library ). Each year in February I have done a friendship theme to go along with Pink Shirt day and Valentine's day. This year I am straying from that theme a little and focussing on "Fall in love with a good book"  Each week I will introduce a fun book that will hopefully bring joy into the student's day and be memorable. We will also be talking about picking books in the library and how to pick great books for ourselves. Ms. Mack's class will follow along with the grade 2's and 3's this month.